The Hire Power – Part I: 4 Erroneous Assumptions of Job Seekers

Hiring power. Few people have it. Even fewer people wield that power well. Yet we all, at some point in our lives, must face those with “the hire power” and ask for work – full-time, part-time, or contract/project work. As someone who jumps that fence regularly between being hired and doing the hiring, I see


A Tantalizing Taste: How to Sample Writers & Identify Talent

Writing samples. The bane of my professional writing existence. Don’t get me wrong. I have great confidence in my writing ability. I have written for dozens of clients who were much older, much younger, different religions and races, and male…in fact, primarily male, and I’m a woman. In other words, my clients’ personal stories and


The Career Intervention: Lessons From Peers & Other Strangers

Nearly 5 years into my business and I was slapped with the shocking realization that I had created a great job for myself. Unfortunately, my goal was to create a great company. Therefore, I took time off from some regular tasks, such as blogging for myself (still blog for clients, because that’s my business!), to