Rabbits vs. Elephants: Balancing Your Business Diet
As someone who was exclusively an elephant hunter, I am proud to announce that I’ve learned to hunt rabbits…in fact, I’ve even landed a few – so today, I eat!
As someone who was exclusively an elephant hunter, I am proud to announce that I’ve learned to hunt rabbits…in fact, I’ve even landed a few – so today, I eat!
Busy does NOT mean you have any actual cash in your pocket. I recently joined a webinar on sales where they talked about one woman who spent 70% of her time on proposals/job bids alone! She’s busy, but she ain’t gittin’ paid…
Do you ever feel like ENOUGH ALREADY on the advice? I mean if it’s good advice, I’m all for it – as in the very-specific-fix-my-current-problem-right-now advice. I feel like every time I turn around, someone is giving me advice, but it’s the platitudinous-go-get-’em advice that is supposed to inspire me…you know the kind that re-words