As a new and emerging business owner, I need professional advice…not just the advice and stories of my fellow entrepreneurs, though they are very helpful. Specifically, I need legal and accounting advice that will take my business to the next level — the level of actual prosperity! Ok, right now, I’d settle for liquidity and not eating into my savings.
For those of you who don’t know me and haven’t read my blog, I like and listen to lots of business/financial/business books on tape…I prefer what’s on sale at the various Half Price Book stores.
Among them are the Robert Kiyosaki books (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and some of his advisers…I liked what one attorney had to say about the various business entities and their pros/cons, so I wrote to them and they sent me an email with a long attachment that I have yet to read.
I also listen to Dave Ramsey on the radio here in Big D, and he has “endorsed local providers” (ELPs) including accountants (I did not see attorneys listed)…so I called him and met him for my free consultation…He gave some great advice and had reasonable prices…now it is just up to me to organize my files so that I can efficiently use my not-free consultation…only one other person had a recommendation for an accountant. That accountant said he was too expensive for me, and directed me to a perfectly nice coworker who had lower rates. She seemed nice enough.
But it has struck me as to how few people even use attorneys or accountants, and how few of those recommend these professionals! My author advisers all talk about the importance of having a good solid team of advisers around you…not only attorney and accountant, but also an investment adviser…I have my funds at Fidelity and everyone I get on the phone seems nice enough and knowledgeable enough, but where do I find a great team to surround myself with? And how do I know they are great? And is there any chance that they would ever interact with each other?
What is a small business person to do?
I will keep you posted on what I learn from each of these advisers, but I need your help in getting (a) more good info from your advisers and (b) advice on how to find and judge those advisers.
Thoughts? Anyone?